Monday, November 18, 2013

And So It Begins...

Hey guys,
Enough of you have asked what my "secret to weight loss is."....So I decided to chronicle my adventures in the switch to clean eating for your reading pleasures and hope that you can draw what ever inspiration you need to, to start your own switch.

What is clean eating? In a nutshell, it's not eating processed foods. What does that mean? That means if it comes prepackaged in a box, or bag, or what ever cleverly packaged container, I don't eat it. Are there exceptions? Sure...

The other half of what I do, is I don't limit myself. On anything. Just because I'm eating clean, doesn't mean I don't crave Doritos. When I crave Doritos, I eat them. Because I know, that if I go ahead and have some, I will only have a handful and then I'm over it. But if I put it in the "off limits" category, it becomes a thing of "I can't have it, so I want it more than anything in life". But if you know that you can have whatever you want at any time, it becomes less novel, and the idea of gorging becomes less and less. For example, anyone that knows me, knows that Pumpkin Reese's around Halloween are my favorite candy. I wait all year for those babies to come out. And then I buy a metric fuck ton and stick them in my refrigerator/freezer. At the beginning of the season, I'm like "WOO!! REESE'S PUMPKINS!!! YEAHH!!". (I can't tell you how many Wal-greens I've been asked to leave with that behavior.) but after having a few of them over the course of the week, I'm over it half way through October. I still have a few in my freezer that I have yet to touch.

Once the novelty wears off, we don't want it anymore. So why not let yourself take that 3 bites of chocolate cake when you want it, instead of eating everything under the sun and then 3 slices of cake? Chocolate cake is delicious.

Another thing you will see me writing a lot about is sustainability, "green", and local. Everyone knows I'm a tree-hugging, dirt worshipper so eating food that is good for the earth as well as our bodies is an element that is very important to me.

I hope you guys enjoy it, and feel free to comment with questions or topics you would like me to cover. I'm always open to ideas and will be covering how to cook, tips and tricks, and my various opinions to various food topics. I would like to think of this as a friendly forum to where people can ask questions without fear of judgment. Enjoy guys and I'll be posting again soon.

-The Strange.

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